I love this quote by Goethe, and I have this little piece I lettered – framed and hanging in the bathroom of my studio. I come back to it often as I begin – an idea, a project, a practice, a plan, a connection; or begin again – a broken promise to myself, a practice gone by the wayside, a forgotten dream.
Trust is a concept I thought I understood, and yet I always let trust for myself go by the wayside.
During Circe's Circle this past fall the love and support of the women in my circle taught me what trusting truly means – and how important (albeit vulnerable) it is to fully live one's dreams.
I am beginning, again, to really trust myself. It feels different this time. I can sense how this trust will allow me to more fully live (my dreams). And I am already experiencing doors opening in front of me.
I will use the love and support I received in Circe's Circle to begin again, whenever I need to – for I know that trust is an ongoing journey that sometimes requires starting along a new path.
And so I start the year using Trust as my word to guide me. I know there is power & magic in it.
Lisa, aka the mountain mermaid, is a creative, independent spirit who loves to explore and play outdoors. She lives in the Colorado Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Embracing her creative life is an ongoing adventure, and a journey that she loves and trusts more each year – and hopes to inspire others to do the same. She is also a budding entrepreneur with a virtual assistance business.
Hi Lisa. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed reading your article. Trust was my word for 2012 but I am sure it will be my word for the rest of my life. It has served me very well this year and I am sure it will do the same for you. Trust is a wonderful thing to have.