Thursday 26 April 2012

Why Play is Good for You by Susan Cadley

 "Playfulness is absolutely necessary for your health and well-being - it's as important as the food you eat and the thoughts you think." Denise Linn

Do you remember the anticipation you had as a child when June was fast approaching and school would be out for the summer? I don't know about you, but I could hardly wait for the bell to ring on the last day of
school. We all ran out the door with glee, not sure what was ahead, but we knew it wasn't about sitting still! It was time to play, let loose, take a brain break.

The element of play can get lost in our adult world if we allow it. The serious part of you may have a million reasons not to play, but play has some serious benefits. These benefits have been studied and documented by Stuart Brown, M.D., a psychiatrist. In his book, Play, co-authored with Christopher Vaughn, he writes that play is not only practice for survival but a comfort to the soul.

Here are some positive side effects of play;
  • Stress reduction
  • Increased creativity and problem solving
  • Exercise for health
  • Moving energy of pent up emotions
  • Induces happiness

How can you carve out playtime in your schedule; in your day and week ahead? Keep that date with yourself and stay committed. What I've experienced when I create play time for myself is that I'm happier, I laugh
more, and I don't mind any of the things deemed as work in my life. This is because I'm satisfying my playing gene.

If you find play difficult, ask yourself a few questions and allow your soul to answer:
  1. What is your belief about people who play?
  2. If you play, what do you believe will happen, good or bad?
  3. What belief keeps you from playing? (Hint:it's all about your beliefs, which can be challenged)
You have the play gene in your DNA too. So how will you play? Here are some ideas to get you warmed up:
  • Dance
  • Skip
  • Sing loud in the car or anywhere!
  • Paint
  • Sit on a swing
  • Write a silly poem
  • Watch comedy

Sprinkle some fun into your life and feel your soul soar!

Susan is a Licensed Psychotherapist and Soul Coach and soul proprietor of Living From Within, LLC. Through counseling, coaching, creative workshops, book studies, and writing, Susan guides you to hear and live the messages of your soul.

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